Case Study: Using sms marketing for e-commerce websites

Case Study – a “health and beauty” website is seeing 2,000% ROI from SMS re-marketing campaigns.
Noc Solutions conducted SMS campaigns for health and beauty e-commerce site with SMS alerts to remind shoppers who abandoned their carts to come back and receive 10% off.
During the latest six- month campaign, the alerts yielded the following results: 178,560 texts produced and 485 sales.
The reminder alerts generated $38,800 worth of revenue.
The delivery cost of $1785 produced a 2,173% return on this e-commerce site’s investment.
Other various websites were tested for e-Commerce and lead generation websites. Response rates ranged between 2.7% ~ 18% and conversions varied 4% ~ 15%. The factors made SMS alerts successful:
- real time mobile data captured and SMS alerts delivered
- to have a compelling offer or reason for consumers to go back and finish shopping – such as providing “free” shipping or 10% off of product/service about to purchase
- allowing a consumer to have easy access to shopping cart return page that is pre-populated with customer and product information
- campaigns generated 800~2,000% ROI